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From 27th SEPTEMBER 2020 ALL Zoom meetings will have either a Passcode or Waiting Room enabled.
What are Passcodes and Waiting Rooms?
Passcodes can be created and added to scheduled Zoom meetings, to ensure they are as secure as possible. Detailed information on how to set and manage Passcodes can be found in this Zoom support article.
Waiting Rooms allow the meeting host to control when a participant joins a meeting as they are placed in a virtual waiting room prior to joining the session. Detailed information on how to set and manage Waiting Rooms can be found in this Zoom support article.
How will this change affect me?
When scheduling any new Zoom meetings, you should enable a Passcode or Waiting Room (or both).
For existing Zoom meetings that are scheduled to take place after to 27th September it is strongly recommended that you enable either passcodes or Waiting Rooms for any that have neither.
What do I need to do?
Review your existing Zoom meetings and update any requiring Passcodes or Waiting Rooms: -
- Sign in to your Zoom profile at and navigate to the Meetings tab on the left hand side; this will display a list of all your scheduled Zoom meetings, identifying any that don’t have Passcodes or Waiting Rooms enabled by a red exclamation point
- Locate the meeting you wish to edit, click the meeting title, scroll to the Edit this Meeting button, and click it
- From the meeting setting options enable either (or both) a Passcode or Waiting Room
- Click Save
What if I do nothing?
For any scheduled Zoom meetings taking place after 27th September, that do not have either enabled a Waiting Room or Passcode enabled then Zoom will automatically enable a Waiting Room for those meetings.
If your Zoom meetings already have Passcodes or Waiting Rooms enabled, these settings will remain unchanged.
More detailed information can be found on this Zoom frequently asked questions article.
Zoom security update - Jun20 PDF 131Kb
PDF document on Zoom security changes from June 2020 for wider circulation